Home Cooks

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Why Home Cooks?

Some of the best food I’ve ever tasted wasn’t made by a classically trained chef nor was it prepared in a fancy, five-star restaurant. In my experience, the food that’s worth raving about is prepared every day, in small kitchens around the world, by people who have no formal culinary training whatsoever.

Have you ever cooked a delicious meal and thought, “Wow! I wish I could share this with others.” or “Anyone who doesn’t try this is missing out!” In that situation, what do we do?

Personally, I’ll post pictures of my creative endeavor on Facebook or Instagram, then my friends and family will most likely like or comment on the post. The problem is, while others are drooling over the pictures of my (or your) magnificent creation, they will never have the opportunity to taste it exactly how I (or you) made it.

That’s where Home Cooks comes in!

The world should NOT have to wait to try YOUR delicious culinary creations!
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